Massage is a natural method of assisting the body to restore and repair, helping to enhance a person's overall health and well being.
Massage therapists use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology, combined with manual techniques to improve the quality of soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues) and assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management.
Massage can be effective in treating many health issues through:
Reduced muscle tension and discomfort.
Improved circulation and stimulation of the lymphatic system
Improved joint mobility and flexibility.
Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries.
Reduced stress hormones, anxiety and depression.
Our massage therapists use a variety of massage styles including relaxation massage, sports/deep connective tissue massage and trigger point release. Complementary therapies used by our massage therapists also used include dry needling, acupressure and cupping.
Your massage therapist will discuss your treatment goals with you and your massage will be tailored to your individual needs. A variety of techniques may be used to find the right treatment for you.
If an underlying issue is detected that may be more effectively treated by one of our Chiropractors or other health professional, your therapist will refer accordingly.
Meet our Massage Therapist
Jo Herbert